Blabbin' In the Bluegrass

S10E17 - Medicaid Waivers Bring Windows to the World

3 months ago

Episode Notes

Chances are, you or someone you know would be a prime candidate for the Medicaid Waiver Program...but perhaps you lack familiarity with it...precisely why it's being spotlighted on this week's "Blabbin'"!! I'm pleased to welcome Sarah Duncan, who proudly serves as Director of Waiver Services with GRADD (Green River Area Development District). Sarah tells us a little about herself and her background, and describes the purpose of this commendable program. She also describes the two waivers for which her office provides case management, eligibility requirements for these waivers, and the process of becoming enrolled. And, no worries if you aren't stationed in GRADD's territory, because such waiver services are provided through other agencies across the state as well. So don't hesitate to contact Sarah with any questions you may have via email at [email protected], and be sure to visit the following web page for additional information:

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